Pool Room

Members may now enjoy a game in style, surrounded by history and with service from the Churchill Bar available at the press of bell.

  1. The Pool Room shall open at 10am and close normally at midnight or when Members are finished playing, whichever is the later, but no later than when the Churchill Bar closes.
  2. The Pool Room and equipment are available to all Members.
  3. Pool balls will be kept in the Pool Room and are free of charge; Darts are also available.
  4. Members may entertain guests in the Pool Room but shall not leave guests unattended.
  5. Members using the Pool Room and equipment must ensure the correct use of the facilities. The cost of repairs for damage caused by a Member or his/her guests may be charged to the Member’s account.
  6. Members must advise the Management promptly of damage to the table or equipment.
  7. All children under the age of 14 must be supervised.
  8. The Dress Code in the Pool Room shall be Casual as defined in By-Law 12 (b).
  9. The Pool Room is unstaffed; service can thus only by be obtained by telephone/service bell to the Churchill Bar.
  10. The last member leaving each playing session is responsible for switching off the lights and air-conditioning.